The Perfect POS Solution: Is It Really Possible?

For decades, restaurants have been forced to cobble together POS solutions that keep up with modern technology while also accommodating the latest fads, trends and third-party platforms.

But if your cashier stand looks like an octopus with tentacled tech everywhere, collecting jumbled data (or worse, none at all), we’re here to tell you: THERE IS A BETTER WAY.

Don’t believe us? Ask yourself these questions:

For every hour you spend trying to reconcile integration between your POS and third-party add-ons, what other business goals could you have been conquering?

For every offer you redeem without tracking its source, how much money will you waste on future marketing campaigns without really knowing what’s working?

And for every piece of data you lose in the disconnect, how many dollars in future sales disappear

Sparkfly makes it possible to capture all of the transactional details from your POS system, even if multiple systems are connected. With Sparkfly, you can leverage our technology to create frictionless interaction between platforms, allowing you to:

  • Collect data from your POS system for a CRM or analytics system, creating opportunities to analyze and retarget your customers
  • Track offer redemption to better understand which campaigns soared and which missed the mark
  • Create customer profiles and manage offers through tailored loyalty programs that bridge the gap between the digital and physical experience

Don’t waste your time trying to make sense of complicated integrations or technology that can’t keep up. Let Sparkfly help you fully realize the power of the customer relationship through our innovative technology.

Take advantage of the best tools in the business and contact Sparkfly today!